Blogs (en Anglais seulement)
Protecting sensitive data is becoming a critical aspect of any organization’s data processes. Sensitive information, such as financial data, personal information, and confidential business information, must be kept secure to prevent unauthorized access, theft or misuse.
Of course, by implementing robust security measures and technologies, such as data loss prevention tools, network protection, and strong access controls, companies can significantly reduce the risk of a breach and protect sensitive data.
Read more here : Tokenize
Connecting to the ALTR Rest API for more insight on your security and governance
Cloud technologies open a new era in leveraging data in an easy and elegant way. Data providers publishing REST APIs that enable data pulls from those data providers is a great example of this phenomenon.
But if it was too easy, we would not need to write this blog today. Each REST API has its own way of working and its little secrets when it comes to connection. So let us give you a hand on the ALTR Rest API using Matillion and Snowflake.
Read more here : RestAPI